V1SDKSDK Get TrustScore for Address Syntax, convo.omnid.getTrustScore( signerAddress, // Ethereum Address ) Example, let resp = await convo.omnid.getTrustScore( "0x707aC3937A9B31C225D8C240F5917Be97cab9F20" ); Compute entire Trust Score Syntax, convo.omnid.computeTrustScore( signerAddress, // Ethereum Address computeConfig, ) ComputeConfig is used to pass private variables to adaptors. For eg - API keys, RPC URLs etc. Some adaptors need these, some do not. type ComputeConfig = { maticMainnetRpc?: string; etherumMainnetRpc?: string; avalancheMainnetRpc?: string; ethereumPriceApi?: string; maticPriceApi?: string; etherumAndMaticPriceApi?: string; deepdaoApiKey: string; CNVSEC_ID: string; DEBUG: boolean; }; Example, const computeConfig = { maticMainnetRpc: 'https://polygon-rpc.com/'; } let resp = await convo.omnid.computeTrustScore( "0x707aC3937A9B31C225D8C240F5917Be97cab9F20", computeConfig ); Execute individual Adaptors Syntax, convo.omnid.adaptors.*( signerAddress, // Ethereum Address computeConfig, // Optional, ComputeConfig ) Here * is the name of the Adaptor. let resp = await convo.omnid.adaptors.getZoraData( "0x707aC3937A9B31C225D8C240F5917Be97cab9F20", computeConfig, );Edit on GitHubPreviousAPINextOmnid x Forta